English outline of the story
This is not a full English version of the website dedicated to presenting IROULEGUY MON AMOUR,
Itinéraire d’un sommelier but rather, pending the translation of the book, just an outline of the story
and of its author, Eric Remus.
The back cover
« I suddenly realized that he had managed to fix the cards of our competition, that Etienne was informed ahead of us of the next questions, that his veneer of knowledge and the ease he drew from his social caste allowed his answers to sound natural while in fact he was just reciting stolen data ».
Victor Soubéran, a student in sommellerie, will learn at his expense that the title of Best Sommelierof the Future attracts envy. Some do not hesitate to cross the red line to be declared the winner of this new competition.
From the moment the name of the winner is released, those who have cheated will bear Victor a long lasting grudge and, with patience and method, will strive to push each of his professional
assignments off track.
In the tragic aftermath of the December 2004 tsunami, Victor’s encounter with Pierre Derennes, a grand bourgeois, co-owner of a wine estate in Saint-Emilion, will change the course of events and
give a new direction to Victor’s professional but also personal itinerary.

The author
Eric Remus, after a career in banking and insurance, co-founded and managed a winery in Saint-Emilion, Château Edmus, formed from the old plantations of a historic estate, Château Lescours.
After only a few years, Château Edmus’ wines caught the attention of the word’s most renowned wine critics, and with their good scores, found their way into some of the finest restaurants in many wine loving countries.
IROULEGUY MON AMOUR, Itinéraire d’un sommelier is Eric Remus’ second novel. He had co-authored LES BLEUS EN NOIR, a thriller in the world of football (Belfond 1998).

The publisher’s word
A delicious adventure soaked in wine! As Victor Souberan fights to become the Best Sommelier of the Future, he must overcome the conspiracy of competitors…. and his own personal disasters. Never has the making and marketing of wines appeared so full of challenges, or so enthralling.
The interview
Eric Remus presents his book from the barrel chai of Château Lescours in Saint-Emilion
Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
IROULEGUY MON AMOUR, Itinéraire d’un sommelier has received a Special Award from theGOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS. The official announcement of the awards will take place in Paris on June 5, 2021.